Paket Dekorasi -Gambrengan Jakarta Kid's EO - ( )
A. Decoration (Untuk dekorasi ukuran lainnya dan budget bisa di diskusikan )
1. Balloon Decoration
a. Dekorasi Balon (350 balon) plus banner ukuran 1 m x 50 cm Rp 850.000,-
(baloon gate, baloon standing )..........Hanya berlaku sebagai tambahan jika telah pesan paket sebelumnya
b. Dekorasi Balon Standar + name printed Styrofoam (1x1m)
Include: Balloon backdrop, gate, standing, lampion, flower/tempel.
Rp. 1,500,000,-
C. Exclusive Balloon Decoration + name printed Styrofoam (1x1m)
Include : Balloon backdrop, gate, standing, 2 Palm Tree, flower, lampion,
helium, foil/anagram
Rp. 2,500,000,-
2. Digital Printing backdrop (including design and installment)
a. Backdrop digital printing 4x2m Rp. 900.000,-
b. Backdrop digital printing 5x2m + Std Balloon decoration 500 pcs Rp. 2.500.000,-
c. Backdrop digital printing 6x3m Rp 1.400.000,-
d. Backdrop digital printing 6x3m + Std Balloon Decoration Rp 2.750.000,-
3.Backdrop Styrofoam 2D + balloon decoration
a.Backdrop 2D 4 x2 m Rp.1.750.000
b. Backdrop 2 D 4x 2 + 300 pcs balloon decoration Rp.2.500.000
c.Backdrop 2D 6 x 3 m + standard balloon decoration Rp.4.500.000
4 Back drop Styrofoam Semi flat + Standard Balloon decoration (Min 4m)
a.Backdrop 2D 4 x2 m Rp.1.750.000
b. Backdrop 2 D 4x 2 + 300 pcs balloon decoration Rp.2.500.000
c.Backdrop 2D 6 x 3 m + standard balloon decoration Rp.4.500.000
4 Back drop Styrofoam Semi flat + Standard Balloon decoration (Min 4m)
a. Backdrop nama balok ukuran 2,5 meter + simple balloon décor Rp 2.750.000,-
b. Backdrop Styrofoam semi Flat 4x2m + Std balloon decoration Rp. 3,500,000,-
C Backdrop Styrofoam semi Flat 6x3m + Std balloon decoration Rp. 5,500,000,-
d. Backdrop Styrofoam Semi Flat 8x3,5m + Std balloon decoration Rp 7.500.000,-
5. Back drop Styrofoam 3 (THREE) Dimension + Balloon decoration (min 6m)
a. Backdrop 3D 6x3m + Std balloon decoration
start from Rp. 6.500.000,-
b. Backdrop 3D 8x4m + Std balloon decoration
start from Rp. 8.000.000,-
c. Backdrop 3D 10x5m + Std balloon decoration
start from Rp. 10.000.000,-
6. Back drop Styrofoam 4 (FOUR) Dimension + Balloon decoration (min 6m)
a. Backdrop 4D 6x3m + Std balloon decoration
start from Rp. 7.500.000,-
b. Backdrop 4D 8x4m + Std balloon decoration
start from. 9.000.000,-
c. Backdrop 4D 10x5m + Std balloon decoration
start from Rp. 12.500.000,-
7. Additional decoration (only applies with the above decoration)
a. Welcome Gate 3D (upgrade fee from standard balloon
decoration) Rp. 750,000,-
b. 300 pcs Balloon drop Rp. 1.000.000,-
c. 100 Balloon printing Rp. 350,000,-
d. 100 Balloon helium Rp. 1.800,000,-
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