Face and Body Painting for Kids and Adult ( Jakarta Area ) - A Badut Jakarta Kids Event Organizer - party planner mc EO pesta acara ultah anak murah - dekorasi

Face and Body Painting for Kids and Adult ( Jakarta Area )

Silakan baca keterangan dibawah gambar
Please read the description bellow the pictures

Face Painting untuk Ultah anakFace and body Painting Anak
Rp.750.000 untuk 3 jam Atau 1.200.000 per 3 jam untuk glow in the dark
Rp.750.000 for 3 Hours or Rp.1.200.000 per 3 Hours for glow in the dark  

Harga jasa gambar  face painting ini berlaku  untuk jakarta
 Harga Rp.250.000 per jam .Minimum durasi selama 3 jam untuk face painting standar
Untuk glow in the dark Rp.400.000 per jam
Harga dapat bervariasi tergantung lokasi acara, kemungkinan biaya tambahan dapat timbul untuk pesanan diluar Jakarta

 This Face Painting Pricing valid only in Jakarta
 Standard face painting hourly rate is IDR 250.000, minimum durations for a booking is 3 hours,
and Rp.400.000 per hour for glow in the dark paint ( same minimum hours )
The overall cost will vary depending on the location of your event as additional costs will be incurred, particularly if the booking requires travel outside the Jakarta area.

Banyak alasan mengapa anak - anak memilih design face paintingnya sendiri, biarkan mereka menjadi karakter kesukaan mereka sendiri, namun hal yang menjadi perhatian orang tua adalah keamanan bahan face  painting yang digunakan bagi anak mereka, kami mengerti ini adalah yang utama. karenanya kamihanya menggunakan produk khusus terpercara yang dijual di outlet kosmetik ternama.

There may be a many reasons why children pick a particular face paint design. However, perhaps the biggest reason is that it allows them to become the character they want to be. But a primary concern of parents when thinking of including face painting as a party activity is the safety of their kids and the materials being used. We understand such an important issue. For that very reason, we use only regulated face painting products that are as safe as cosmetics you would find at an upscale cosmetic counter.

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Gambrengan EO Ulang Tahun Anak di Jakarta, Birthday Event Organizer, Kids Party Planner , Penyelenggara Acara Pesta Anak, Family on Community Gathering Organiser, Company Picnic, Face and Body Painting for Kids and Adult ( Jakarta Area )