Home Service Toys Rental / Playhouse Rental / Lerado Deluxe Play Center

This classically designed quaint cottage playhouse is the perfect addition to any garden! The tall door frame is perfect for growing children, making this playhouse the perfect country retreat for many years. Made from durable, weatherproof plastic.
Detail isi produk:
Desain interior dalam
yang luas dengan langit-langit yang tinggi
Ukuran kusen pintu
tinggi (104cm x 43cm)
Atap tinggi dan
lengkungan pintu
Kompor bawaan dengan
Durasi Sewa |
Harga Sewa |
2 Minggu |
Rp375.000 |
3 Minggu |
Rp 550.000 |
1 Bulan ( Promo ) |
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