Gambrengan has many classic style Carnival games and Carnival booths for rent for your next event. These games and booths are great for any carnival theme, fair theme, gathering and are great fun for all of your guests young and old. We have a full assortment of carnival games
Klik pada gambar untuk keterangan lebih lanjut ( min pesan 3 unit):
Click on the Picture to get further information, Minimum order quantity 3 unit
Harga berlaku untuk wilayah Jakarta
Prices quoted for Jakarta Area Only
Labirin Ball
Rp.850.000 |
Bulls Eye Dart
Rp.550.000 |
Fortune Wheel
Labirin Bell
Rp.1.000.000 |
Themed party cantoss
Rp.650.000 |
Clown Ball Games
Rp.550.000 |
Dart Games
Rp.550.000 |
Pit Stop Challange
Rp.3.000.000 |
Mini Hockey Table
Rp.550.000 |
Arrow Target
Rp.850.000 |
Rp.850.000 |

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Apakah anda berencana merayakan acara carnival ? anda mungkin menyukai ini juga , klik pada gambar untuk informasi lebih lanjut :
Are you planning a carnival event ? you may also like these option, click on the image for further information :
Bouncy Castle Rental |
Carnival Balloon Decoration |
Stand Food Galore |
Face Painting |
Make your own waterpark |
Carnival Decoration |
Gambrengan EO Ulang Tahun Anak, Birthday Event Organizer, Kids Party Planner , Penyelenggara Acara Pesta Anak, Family Gathering Organiser , Sewa Permainan anak Carnival, Mainan Karnaval / Pasar Malam , Sewa Permainan carnival